nenad stankovic tagged posts

PronalazačThe Inventor

Pronalazač, 60x40, kombinovana tehnika, 2012.

Pronalazač, 60×40, kombinovana tehnika, 2012.


The Inventor, 60x40cm, mixed media, 2012.

The Inventor, 60x40cm, mixed media, 2012.



U slavu Lazara SrbinaIn Praise of Lazar The Serb

U slavu Lazara Srbina, 70x50cm, kombinovana tehnika, 2012.

U slavu Lazara Srbina, 70x50cm, kombinovana tehnika, 2012.


In Praise of Lazar The Serb, 70x50cm, mixed media, 2012.

In Praise of Lazar The Serb, 70x50cm, mixed media, 2012.


Vekovne igre oko BeogradaThe Age-Old Games of Belgrade

Vekovne igre oko Beograda, 60x60cm, kombinovana tehnika, 2009.

Vekovne igre oko Beograda, 60x60cm, kombinovana tehnika, 2009.


The Age-Old Games of Belgrade, 60x60cm, mixed media, 2009.

The Age-Old Games of Belgrade, 60x60cm, mixed media, 2009.



Penelopino čekanjePenelope’s Waiting

Penelopino čekanje, 80x60cm, kombinovana tehnika, 2010.

Penelopino čekanje, 80x60cm, kombinovana tehnika, 2010.


Penelope's Waiting, 80x60cm, mixed media, 2010.

Penelope’s Waiting, 80x60cm, mixed media, 2010.


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